SHINE Academy for Girls



February 23, 2025 5:03 pm

Leeanne Jones, mother of Matisse, aged 12

One year ago, we presented you with a ‘diamond in the rough’ and a year on you have returned a bright sparkling diamond. The first time I spoke to you I asked if you could help Matisse learn to show her inner beauty and smile. We now have a daughter that can look people she knows and even ones she is meeting for the first time in the eye and smile, and it’s not just an ordinary smile with no warmth she smiles with her eyes, she shines bright. This is just one of the many, many amazing changes we have noticed in Matisse. I am now sure that she will enter high school next year with confidence, belief in herself and the tools she needs to handle any bumps in the road that may face her in the future. Jason and I thank you with all our heart for everything you have done for Matisse.