SHINE Academy for Girls



January 21, 2025 9:29 am


Welcome to SHINE Academy for Girls
SHINE Academy for Girls presents a specialised social and emotional intelligence education for 5 – 16 year old girls pro-actively building resilience, self-esteem, self-acceptance, healthy confidence, the importance of good manners, excellent communication skills, critical thinking skills, application of common sense, leadership skills, innovative thinking, the ability to resist peer pressure and wide-ranging social skills to cope and excel in today's challenging (and, sometimes cruel) world. Much of our curriculum focuses on the importance of connecting your self-worth to the content of your character, not your looks, wealth, possessions or the approval of others.
  • To promote a generation of humbly confident, kind, thoughtful, courageous, gritty and empowered young women.
  • To pro-actively immunise the next generation against depression, anxiety and mental distress by championing the skills of social resilience and emotional intelligence (“Society gets much better results from prevention rather than intervention” – Professor John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington).
  • To pro-actively inspire our girls with the life skills to cope, endure, overcome and flourish despite the stresses of being a young person in today’s world.
  • To pro-actively educate girls with the life skills that build a resilient, determined and socially-skilled person capable of handling life’s positive and negative experiences with confidence, grace, dignity, self-awareness and courage.

Marina, mother of Iris, aged 8, Glenhuntly Primary School

“Three days of the holiday program at Shine Academy was a very significant experience for Iris. From the very first day Iris just couldn’t stop talking about the things she learnt during the workshop, about the role games she participated in and about her new friends. As a parent, I was impressed with the way the Program was organised. I got an impression that my daughter was participating in a prestigious international conference with nametags, working folders and delicious catering. It gave Iris a wonderful experience of mature behaviour in an atmosphere of respect, creativity and openness.

I am happy my daughter had an opportunity to participate in this wonderful program.”

Marina, mother of Iris, aged 8, Glenhuntly Primary School

Tess Wearing, mother of Olivia Wearing – Chatham Primary School – Surrey Hills

“I had contemplated putting my daughter forward for the SHINE program for quite sometime, if I’d known what a positive experience it was going to be I would not have hesitated. On the last day I was so surprised to see my shy girl confidently walk up to the microphone and thank Ms Anderson for the previous three days and then announce in the car on the way home “that was the best holiday program EVER!”

Olivia reflected on the course over the next few days at home discussing what she had learned, the role playing exercises, the friends she made and wishing that the course ran over a longer period of time so she could continue with what she had learnt.

This has been such a positive and powerful program I think every child would benefit from the chance to experience such a first class learning opportunity. I’m surprised that schools don’t offer the principles of the SHINE program as part of the curriculum.”

Tess Wearing, mother of Olivia Wearing - Chatham Primary School - Surrey Hills

Prue and Tom Mimi age 6

“Our daughter, Mimi thoroughly enjoyed the Junior Resilience and Confidence Masterclass.  So much so that she skipped a birthday party and a day at the beach as she refused to miss a lesson.  That’s a testament to you and your team Melissa. Knowing how to engage young children, teaching them invaluable interpersonal skills and building a confidence that that will take them through life in the most fun way is extraordinary.  We feel very pleased to have been part of this course and look forward to sending Mimi to the next program when she gets a little older (she is already asking to come back).”

Thank you.

Prue and Tom Mimi age 6

Hamish, Isabel and Indianna, St James PS, Brighton

“Our 6 year old thoroughly enjoyed the Junior Resilience and Confidence Masterclass . Saturday quickly became her favourite day of the week . She loved the interaction and challenging content of this program and we have noticed a marked difference in her confidence , self belief and attitude towards issues or situations that previously would have been tricky for her to navigate .Thanks Melissa for such a wonderful program , we now have a 6 year old  who is armed with wonderful strategies for the classroom and the playground, and life in general!”

We are all delighted !

Hamish, Isabel and Indianna, St James PS, Brighton

Kylie Reis, mother of Gidget Reis aged 8, St Brigid’s Primary School – Mordialloc

“Melissa Anderson has a unique combination of qualifications that allows her insight into the pressures of modern day on our children. She has recognised some of the negatives repercussions of this trend such as the alarmingly high number of children being diagnosed with depression & the downside to technology associated with mobile phones, msn & online social websites.

I found her approach to teaching children to be more resilient totally refreshing. Her class structure of role-playing, games & group discussions is not only age appropriate but is also brilliantly disguised in fun. Gidget looked forward to her classes & always left with a smile.

I feel confident Gidget now has the tools & knowledge to successfully navigate her way through the ups & downs of life.

We look forward to returning to Shine Academy.”

Kylie Reis, mother of Gidget Reis aged 8, St Brigid’s Primary School – Mordialloc

Pia Cattapan, aged 14, Firbank, Brighton

“In my opinion the Shine Academy for Girls is an excellent program for young girls to develop a better understanding about themselves and the people around them. Girls learn about how to get along with people, how to be polite and how to behave appropriately in different contexts. I have found that these ideas and skills are usually not explained at school or other places so the Shine Academy plays a really important role in teaching girls about life and getting on with people which is hard to find elsewhere. Miss Anderson is a very inspiring and influential figure and is a great role model for young girls. She knows how to handle so many situations that girls find themselves experiencing and is always willing to share skills and interesting past experiences with us. The skills I have learnt at Shine have been beneficial to me in so many ways, for example they have assisted me to act appropriately in peer group situations. I have also been able to share some of the skills I have learnt with my peers, I suppose this has been a demonstration of the leadership that Miss Anderson has shown us.  Thank you Miss Anderson, I shall treasure the skills you have shared with me forever.”

Pia Cattapan, aged 14, Firbank, Brighton

Beth Kaabar, former student, recently married Mount Waverley, Melbourne

“I have never before, nor since, had such an influential teacher as Melissa Anderson. She first taught me when I was seven years old and I’ll never forget her classes. She is a woman with natural charisma who automatically lights up a room. It was simply impossible not to hang onto every word she said. My weekly classes were something I longingly looked forward to each week. She influenced my life and work habits in lasting ways and I thank her very much for it.”

Beth Kaabar, former student, recently married Mount Waverley, Melbourne

Ellana Prounarou, aged 13, St Leonards

“Reflecting on my journey with Shine brings so many happy memories. The skills that I have learnt will be with me for the rest of my life and for that I say a heartfelt “Thank you”.

Thank you to my parents for driving me to the Shine Institute every week and giving me the opportunity to grow in such a positive way.

I am eternally grateful to Miss Anderson for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to learn such amazing skills.

Some of my favourite learnings included how to be a “People Magnet” and “The Butterfly Effect”. As Gandhi said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”.

In a culture dominated by social media, bullying and poor self-image, the Shine Institute reinforced to me that I am beautiful and the importance of being kind, inclusive and to not be afraid to be an up stander.

I am now capable or identifying peer pressure and poor behaviour and have become a lot stronger and assertive in saying “no”.

I learnt how to behave in a job interview, how to dress appropriately and how to politely decline an invitation.

I learnt that “ums, ahs and ers” have no place in my language and I learnt the seven habits of emotionally healthy people.

My parents also learnt something too. They now know the difference between a Macaron and a Macaroon.

Last but not least I learnt to always hold my head high and look at the world straight in the eye. I am a beautiful person with the whole world ahead of me and no one can take that away from me.”

Ellana Prounarou, aged 13, St Leonards

Jo and Dean Petch, parents of Emily Petch aged 12, Moorabbin Primary School, Victoria

“It has been a wonderful opportunity for Emily to have attended SHINE Academy where Melissa has identified the importance of teaching our girls the gift of emotional resilience which is sadly lacking in today’s society. The SHINE program has taught her the crucial elements of resilience and how her response and reactions can shape her personal development.

Throughout the program Melissa taught our daughter about developing winning attitudes, respect in responding, healthy self-esteem and self-knowledge and how to handle some of life’s toughest lessons. We have seen a newfound confidence and maturity in our daughter and this has been acknowledged by several of her teachers, both to her personally and to myself.

Her public speaking skills have flourished and she has become wiser and matured in her emotional self. She sees herself as an individual and her self-respect and ability to evaluate circumstances and rationalize her thinking gives us, as parents, peace of mind that she has the emotional skills to work through her teenage years. Thank you Melissa for producing such a rewarding program that is a wonderful foundation for life.”


Jo and Dean Petch, parents of Emily Petch aged 12, Moorabbin Primary School, Victoria

Leeanne Jones, mother of Matisse, aged 12

“One year ago, we presented you with a ‘diamond in the rough’ and a year on you have returned a bright sparkling diamond. The first time I spoke to you I asked if you could help Matisse learn to show her inner beauty and smile. We now have a daughter that can look people she knows and even ones she is meeting for the first time in the eye and smile, and it’s not just an ordinary smile with no warmth she smiles with her eyes, she shines bright. This is just one of the many, many amazing changes we have noticed in Matisse. I am now sure that she will enter high school next year with confidence, belief in herself and the tools she needs to handle any bumps in the road that may face her in the future. Jason and I thank you with all our heart for everything you have done for Matisse.”

Leeanne Jones, mother of Matisse, aged 12