SHINE Academy for Girls



February 23, 2025 5:38 pm

Lee, Mark and Erin Atalla. Erin is home-schooled.

I had high expectations for SHINE Academy’s Girl’s Course.  My daughter, Erin, has now completed the course.  I can testify that not only did the course meet my expectations but it went far beyond my expectations; surpassing them, and, fulfilling many benefits I had not originally envisaged.

The transformation I have witnessed is amazing.  My 11 year old daughter has always had lovely manners, and been a kind and compassionate person.  During the course however, I saw a new person unfurling.  I have now seen a glimpse into the not-too-distant future.  Witnessing the strong, confident, incredible woman Erin is growing to be.  Quite literally, it brought tears to my eyes each afternoon as I collected her.  She was amazing.  Bright, glowing, brimming with all the confidence in the world; so happy.  It was like a dream to see the potential (I always knew she had) be realised.  I know all parents hold a hope that our children will grow up to enjoy all the possibilities we see in them.  It is always a concern that our own limitations, negative components from society and potentially hazardous situations or people may make it difficult for those hopes to come to fruition.  However, I now feel I can rest assured.  We are on the right path.  In addition, we now have a strong ally to strengthen our efforts and support us in role modelling and mentoring Erin towards her future.  This ally is SHINE Academy and Melissa.

In addition to this amazing gift, Erin has also gained many distinct, practical benefits.  I feel she will be able to confidently enter any social situation with the knowledge of appropriate behaviour.  In amongst a range of benefits including in her learning, she has been shown:

  • Traditional manners and social expectations at meals, parties and other social situations.
  • Fortification in trusting herself, staying true to her own values and being a fully self-respecting person.
  • How to handle various interpersonal relationships.  Being able to manage other people within her own comfort levels, while also treating them with the kindness and respect that all people deserve.
  • To contribute to society on a wider basis, with strength, integrity and passion.

Our daughter really feels that she can take on the world now.  We can see no limits to where she can take herself.  She has strong family support and her own conviction.  She also has the memory (and ongoing support) of a strong coach and mentor, Miss Anderson.  It is a name we have all heard a lot since the course commenced.  We are often reminded of what “Miss Anderson says”.  It is lovely that girls are benefitting from a real life hero that they can access and aspire towards.

Needless to say our daughter will be attending more courses at SHINE academy.  With this assistance our family feel Erin has a secured and glorious future ahead of her.

We cannot really express how grateful we are but would like to thank you so much Melissa!!