SHINE Academy for Girls



February 23, 2025 5:18 pm

Jessica Norman, aged 8, Beaumaris PS

Jessica completed the entire curriculum in the 7 – 10 year old age group.

This was her graduation speech after all four terms: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls, Before shine I was passive and I was shy. I didn’t make enough new friends. Since starting at shine, I have made lots of new friends and I’m excited to use the manners that I have learnt and that makes me happy. I have learnt that you can give the bully 0% by just smiling. I have also learnt that you can be nice by showing somebody around the school if they are new. I feel happy, good and on fun mode when I am at shine and I feel excited when I walk into shine. I feel relieved that I have done shine because I have taken on challenges and learnt manners that I can now take into my life. I would like to thank my classmates and Ms Anderson, my parents and my friends for encouraging me and for listening to me when I talk about shine. Good evening and good night.”