SHINE Academy for Girls



February 23, 2025 5:41 pm

Isabella MacKrill, aged 11 years, Gardenvale PS

Isabella completed the entire curriculum (four terms/32 weeks). This was her graduation speech:

“When my mum first told me that I was coming to Shine, I didn’t want to come at all, I didn’t think the girls here would be kind but as soon I stepped into class, I was greeted with happiness and joy, I really felt at home. I’d like to thank my classmates for that, I really appreciated it.

I have learnt many skills that have helped me, and will help me in years to come such as…

Honesty – It’s a very important quality but so is… knowing when to keep your thoughts to yourself.

Self control – knowing when and when not to laugh

The value of general knowledge – To be a good leader is knowing what’s happening around you, it can help with things like small talk.

I have learnt how to stand up to bullies – which was the main reason for being here.

These are only 4 qualities that Miss Anderson has taught me. To list them all, would take all day.

I’d like to thank my parents for enrolling me into Shine. (I know I wasn’t very open to the idea but I’m glad you insisted.)

And, finally, I’d like to thank you Miss Anderson for helping me through some pretty tough times. A break up with a really close friend and the passing of my aunty. Your advice and support has given me the strength to deal with these issues. I’d also like to compliment you on your personal and professional presentation. You’ve been an inspiration to me and I’ll always remember you, thank you.

So for the very last time good evening and good night.