SHINE Academy for Girls



February 23, 2025 5:34 pm

AnujanaDolamulla, aged 12, Glen Waverley PS

Anujana delivered her final graduation speech off by heart.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is AnujanaDolamulla and I would like to start off this speech by thanking my parents and my sister for driving me to Shine every Tuesday night. Without them I would have never been able to get into the position I am here today.
Second of all I would like to thank Miss Anderson for teaching me the following four things:, how to handle being falsely accused of something, how important self love is, having proper etiquette in public and private places and How to find a diamond in the dumpster and a blessing in the bummer in any situation. This means finding the positive in any negative scenario.

Out of all these lessons the most powerful one, for me has been why self love is important to any person. Because of this, it has made me into the well rounded person I am today. To help us learn these skills we have played a wide variety of games in class. One of my all time favourite games was the self control one as it taught us when it was an appropriate time to politely giggle or not laugh at all. The knowledge I will take on for the rest of my life is that you have to accept who you are. In better words George R. R Martin once said ‘once you have accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you’.

Finally, I would like to thank my classmates behind me for making every shine lesson hilarious and interesting. The girls have made this experience very enjoyable and the atmosphere in the classroom every week could not have been any more exciting.

Even though I regret saying this, for the final time good evening and good night.”